My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

Fix for shutdown issue in KDE 4.6.2

In my previous post (announcing KDE 4.6.2 packages for Slackware) I already mentioned that I ran into a bug with KDM, the graphical login manager for runlevel 4. It would no longer allow the computer to power off, instead dropping you into a tty.

Thanks for the feedback to that post, folks! I have rebuilt the “kdebase-workspace” package so that it uses “shutdown -h -P now” as the shutdown command. This is the proper way for a Linux system to power off (you could also use “halt” or “poweroff” of course). As stated earlier (also check ?, the “-p” parameter to shutdown may be good for BSD but not for the Linux variant of the shutdown command. I am running the updated package here on the laptop, and powering off the computer works again.

Get the updated kdebase-workspace-4.6.2 packages from my “ktown” repository or any of its mirrors:

Cheers, Eric


  1. escaflown

    Thanks Eric! It workds fine here.
    Looking back at the journey from KDE 3.5 to KDE 4.6, I can only take my hat off to KDE developers. And thanks Pat for sticking with KDE.

  2. Mike Langdon (mlangdn)

    Works great for me too! Thanks, Eric.

  3. toto

    Thank you very much.
    Everything seems to work as in 4.6.1, except the applet that shows the temperature of the CPU and motherboard.
    k10temp and atk0110 are not visible in the configuration.
    But xsensors, which is independant of KDE, works.

  4. alienbob


    Perhaps you are experiencing the bug below, which crept into 4.6.2 and which has been fixed again in the code for the next version.
    I am not going to apply the patch to my kdebase-workspace package right now, but you can find the patch here if you want to try for yourself:

    The commit is explained as follows: “This fixes a missing include that causes the temperature plasmoids and
    ksysguard temperature sensors to no longer work. The fix has been committed to KDE/4.6 and master (4.7)”.

    Just like the shutdown bug in KDM (which I did fix!), this was caused by adding FreeBSD support to KDE…


  5. C?lin Iorgulescu

    Thank you for the quick build. For quite a while now I have grown accustomed to the speed with which you deliver your packages whenever a new KDE release hits. Splendid work!

    I have one question, though. It seems that the Konsole close-tab button is disabled for me. A few days back I noticed that the slackware-current Changelog said something about such a bug being patched in the official packages (on April the 5th I believe).

    Time permitting, could you please, maybe, look into this?

    Thank you!

  6. Dmitri Koulikoff

    Hello! Firstly I’d like to say you many thanks for your great job on slackware.

    I have slackware 14.1
    $ uname -a
    Linux hp470 3.10.17 #1 SMP Fri Feb 14 16:39:21 CST 2014 x86_64 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4702MQ CPU @ 2.20GHz GenuineIntel GNU/Linux
    kde is 4.13.3-x86_64-1alien

    The machine is HP ProBook 470

    I met a problem: pressing power button shuts down the computer without any prompt.
    The only solution I’ve found is

    It makes the button dead on power on. Thus the KDE settings are not used.

    If you know how to make the power button work as it is set in KDE, please, let me know.

    Thank you in advance.

    With best regatds,

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