Someone asked how I am creating Chromium (also -ungoogled) packages these days? When you download my SlackBuild script and attempt to build the package yourself, the script will error out because it cannot download the sources.
For weeks now, the Google automation is broken with regards to creating Chromium source tarballs. Apparently some bug prevents their CI/CD pipelines from succeeding. This is reportedly fixed for the Chromium 132.x releases (currently their Beta versions) but Chromium 130 and now also 131 releases are announced without their accompanying source tarballs.
I have therefore created a script which fetches the needed stuff from git and packs that into a “chromium-$VERSION.tar.xz” tarball. You will find it in the “build” directory and it’s called ““. You run that script with a Chromium official version number, wait a long long time, and you end up with the 6+ GB source tarball which you can then move into your local “build” directory.
Hope that clarifies things and helps you compile chromium or chromium-ungoogled yourself.
Have fun! Eric
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