My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

Month: February 2025

Let me remind you who started the war in Ukraine and how

I am going to spit 77 million people in the face here, and it needs to be done. I am raging. If you live in the USA and do not want to be confronted by my ‘leftist’ or ‘commie’ political views then unsubscribe from this blog and get the fuck out.
Listen carefully. Blatant lies are coming from the Oval office with the intention to destroy an ally.

The war in Ukraine did not start in 2022, and it was not started by Ukraine.

In February of 2014 Russia invaded Ukraine and annexed Crimea. NATO shied away from aiding Ukraine because of a justified fear of escalating the conflict. And in July of 2014, Russians shot down a commercial airplane over eastern Ukraine, killing hundreds of passengers. Hard work of a journalist collective provided the proof which held up in court.

In the years that followed, Russia kept arming and fueling the hatred of separatists in the eastern Ukraine. Why? Possibly because with the occupation of the Donbas, Russia now has control over 40% of Ukraine’s mineral riches. It’s always about the money, right? Or is the hunger for power stronger than greed?

In 2022 Russia invaded Ukraine from multiple fronts. Not because of what the traitor in the Oval office tells you – that  Ukraine started this war because of their request to join NATO – no, that request was sent to NATO in 2002, TWENTY years before Putin started his ‘special operation’. The invasion of Ukraine was ordered by a mad Russian dictator whose pride was hurt when the West kept ignoring him as a serious partner on the world stage.

Remember this account from what happened during those initial days?

This is not what happens if you pre-empt a strike because you fear your opponent. This is brutal sadism, trademark of Russian warfare where the state, not people, is the only thing that counts.

Those of you who put a traitor in the Oval office have made yourselves complicit, not just because you have enabled the autocracy or even dictatorship which is being created in the USA as we speak. But also complicit in the possible destruction of a European country: Ukraine. Your president with his delusions of grandeur will try again to grab Canada, Panama and Greenland and will leave Ukraine defenseless against Russia’s aggression. He does not care about you. He is a narcissist.
Next may be the start of an all-out war in Europe because Putin sees an opportunity. The USA now believes that Russia is not the enemy and Europe is its own enemy. And who the fuck cares about that in the USA?
I don’t understand you assholes who put this conman on a throne. All because you could not tolerate a black woman in the Oval office?
You don’t believe this? The orange guy keeps doing exactly what he has been telling you for years. There’s no reason to believe that he will change all of a sudden.

Fuck you all, maggots.

And indeed, I have disabled comments to this article. Suck it up.

Let’s Encrypt SSL certificate expiry warning emails

If you use Let’s Encrypt to secure the traffic to your web server, mailserver or other situations where you need a SSL-encrypted data exchange, you are probably using the dehydrated script to manage those certificates to ensure that they will be renewed on time (Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates only have a 90-day lifespan).

Let’s Encrypt offers an automated service running on their end (you don’t have to do a thing) which sends you reminder emails when any of your LE SSL certificates is nearing its expiration date. You will get the first warning 30 days before that expiration.
For me that email has been a lifesaver on multiple occasions. I use their certificates on multiple servers and sometimes the client fails to renew a certificate for whatever reason. I do not monitor all my servers all of the time so it is possible that I miss these errors and run the risk of running a web service with an expired SSL certificate. Quite annoying for my users.

However, in a recent communique Let’s Encrypt have announced that they will end this free alerting service. They also suggest that you could switch to a 3rd-party free email service if you want to keep receiving email alerts for expiring certificates but I thought that this would be a good time to write a script that does the same thing and runs on my own server, no 3rd-party needed.

Dehydrated is part of Slackware since its 15.0 release. There are other tools that do a similar job, such as certbot or In this article I will focus on dehydrated but the script can easily be adapted to be used with one of these other ACME clients.

I wrote and uploaded a script called “” which you can schedule as a weekly cron job. It starts sending warning emails 15 days before the expiration date of a certificate, but that value is configurable in its configfile “check_letsencrypt_cert_expiry.conf” which looks like this:

# Configuration for the check_letsencrypt_cert_expiry script

# When to start sending warning emails;
# Allow this value to be set on the commandline:

# From and to email addresses:

Make sure to write valid email addresses for the sender and receiver. If you do not use a valid sender domain, the receiving mailserver may block your email (GMail is really strict about this for instance).

There’s also an email template, see “check_letsencrypt_cert_expiry.tpl“, which will be used by the script to draft the message you will receive. Feel free to modify that text of course. I used most of the email text which is sent by Let’s Encrypt itself.

You can schedule this script to run once per week for instance. An example of a cron line can be found in the header of the script, it looks like this:

# Schedule this script via root’s cron to run once per week:
45 2 * * wed /usr/local/sbin/

If you don’t want to wait until the script is triggered to send you an email, you can force this trigger manually on the command-line. You might want to test whether you get the email at all (GMail sent my first email to SPAM for instance). Just define WARNDAYS with a value that is higher than the SSL cert lifespan in days, like this, as root:

# WARNDAYS=111 ./

You can find the script and accompanying files here: or any of my mirrors.

Have fun! Eric

The bit-rot of 32bit Linux

Interest of software developers in the use of their product on 32bit Operating Systems has been declining for years. Build tests are only done on 64bit OS’es nowadays. For obvious reasons: there are not so many computers left in the Western world that only support 32bit software.
The thing is, there’s still a lot of old computer hardware in use outside of the wealthy West. Slackware is one of the few remaining Linux distros where the 32bit flavor is just as relevant as the 64bit variant. Yes, you may question the value of running really new software on really old hardware, but I think that is the users’ choice and if you happen to live in a country where a 2025 computer amounts to a year of salary, then I would want also those people to enjoy modern software and security patches.

I can’t recall how many patches have been needed to make source code compile on 32bit Slackware for instance, but in most cases there would be a way to patch the source or circumvent the error. Patrick Volkerding does this for the distro core and I do something similar for the packages in my own repository. And we sigh and complain to each other when compilations fail due to the restrictive 32bit address space, the inability to specify either “lib” or “lib64” as the LIBDIR, the use of architecture-specific assembly code and CPU instructions, etcetera.

But like with everything that’s left to rot in a corner, it’s getting increasingly difficult to keep 32bit Linux alive. I am running into huge time-sucks when packaging complex pieces of software. Specifically, I have not been able to compile 32bit Chromium since the 132 release despite all of my attempts. And now LibreOffice joins that list: I have been unable to compile the 25.2.0 release on 32bit Slackware 15 and -current.

I will give up my attempts to create 32bit packages for future Chromium and LibreOffice releases. It has already taken way too much of the little time I have left after my regular day-time job. If I run into more of these programs that won’t allow me to compile 32bit binaries, those will quickly be added to that list as well.
I will ask again: if there are people among you (readers) who really need their 32bit programs, I need you to come up with the patches to make that work.

As long as there is a 32bit Slackware, I will keep maintaining my multilib repository of course: there’s nothing for me to actually compile there now that gcc and glibc packages in 64bit Slackware support multilib; the work is reduced to simple re-packaging. But once Patrick decides that 32bit Slackware goes the way of the dodo, then also multilib for Slackware will disappear. It would really be a shame though, but there’s simply no longer any kind of movement that is sufficiently influential to be able to sway software developers and keep 32bit Linux instances running to do their unit testing.

Looking at the Wine emulator, that one can be built so that it no longer needs 32bit libraries, but it would lose the capability to run 16bit Windows programs. I guess that’s where DOSbox would come in to save the day.

But be forewarned: the 32bit OS has become an endangered species.


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