A few days ago the Document Foundation  released their newest version of the LibreOffice open source production suite. Version 3.4.3 is now also available in Slackware package format, the packages I built for you are available here (it’s better if you try the mirrors, they should be a lot faster):


Note that all mirrors also have rsync available (not the slackware.com server though).

Mostly this is a maintenance release, however I made one change to the packages: I have split off the mozilla-compatible browser plugin into a separate package “libreoffice-mozplugin”. A few users of my packages reported that this plugin caused LibreOffice to start whenever they would close their Firefox browser. If you use upgradepkg to upgrade your installed libreoffice to my version 3.4.3 package, the old plugin will be automatically be removed (therefore it is recommended that you close your firefox when you upgrade to this new version of LibreOffice).

You have to use installpkg to also install the new libreoffice-mozplugin package.

Have fun! Eric