We have progressed to the second release candidate for the upcoming release of Slackware stable (version 13.37 no less). There is probably not going to be a lot of other updates before final release; the TODO list should be quite short now. The only one to know for sure is Pat Volkerding… I am only speculating of course.

Noticable is that the Slackware -current’s kernel has again been updated – this time to And again, as part of a Slackware kernel update, the glibc packages were rebuilt against the new kernel’s header files.

If you have enhanced your 64bit Slackware-current with multilib capabilities, you can upgrade to the new multilib glibc packages that I compiled for you.

Get the glibc packages for your multilib Slackware64-current at http://slackware.com/~alien/multilib/current/ as usual (or visit my mirror at http://taper.alienbase.nl/mirrors/people/alien/multilib/current/).

I also updated the content of the slackware64-compat32 directory. In there you will find a copy of all the packages which are created by running the massconvert32.sh script. Install these packages on top of your multilib Slackware64-current in order to make your computer fully support 32bit applications (or use “upgradepkg –install-new” if you already installed a previous set of these packages).

No idea what I have been talking about?

If you want to know about 64bit Slackware Linux (which is a pure 64bit OS) and how to “upgrade” to a multilib system (supporting 32bit as well as 64bit applications), you should definitelty read http://alien.slackbook.org/dokuwiki/doku.php?id=slackware:multilib
