My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

Month: January 2011 (Page 1 of 2)

Recipe: Bogracs Gulyas

… or traditional Goulash stew – which might sound more familiar to you.

In my previous post I suggested that I might give you a food recipe, in an attempt to write about something different than software. After some thought, that actually sounded like a nice addition to Alien Pastures. So here we go.

I used to cook a lot when I was younger (as a student and after my study, before I became a father and life overwhelmed me). And a rather good one too if I may have my moment of not-so-humbleness. In the years that followed, I traveled a lot, got ever buysier with work and no longer was able to prepare a decent meal, instead depending on my dear wife for my diner. And she cooks a whole lot better than I ever did! All the good food, it made me lazy!

Then, before you know you’re ten years older and your son needs to get initiated in the art of cooking. We decided that he and I will cook diner once a week – in the weekends when I have the time to prepare things that may take hours. For me that was a nice way to get back my skills and learn new techniques and cook stuff my way.

One of those weekend days, I decided to make a goulash. Not the soup that everybody knows from the store, but the original Hungarian recipe which is somewhat between a soup and a stew.

Photo by "Hungaro phantasto"

Hungary is known for its paprikas of course, and the goulash. You may not be aware, but the Gulyás were hungarian herdsmen who traveled across large parts of Europe with their cattle. They would cook their beef stew in large copper kettles above a wood fire – these kettles were called bogrács. This is how the traditional meal became known as “bogrács gulyás” – or just goulash. It took until the 18th century, when paprika and potato became widely known in Hungary, to turn the gulyás into the watery stew we all know and love.

Here is the recipe for 3 to 4 dishes (we are no meat eaters here,  so for some of you this may amount to only 2 to 3 dishes). Forgive me if I do not use the correct english words, I am used to write my recipes in dutch…


  • 1 big onion, sliced into coarse pieces
  • 1 clove of garlic, cut into bits
  • 50 grams of butter
  • vegetable oil (olive or sunflower oil)
  • 1 tablespoon of mild paprika powder
  • pinch of hot paprika powder
  • pinch of salt & pepper
  • 400 grams of beef stew, cut into cubes
  • 1 teaspoon of caraway seeds
  • 1 tablespoon of thick tomato sauce –or- 3 to 4 peeled and chopped-up tomatoes
  • 1 green pepper (also called green paprika), cut into coarse pieces
  • ½ celery root (celeriac) or turnip, cut into cubes
  • 300 grams of potatoes, sliced into cubes


  • Heat the butter together with a generous sprinkle of vegetable oil in a large (iron) pot until the butter turns brown and stops sizzling.
  • Add the sliced onions and garlic, and sauté until they turn yellowish-brown.
  • Add the paprika powder and stir it through the onion. Add the beef cubes, the caraway seeds and a few tablespoons of hot water.
  • Sauté together until the meat begins to change colour, white to lightbrown. Keep stirring to prevent burning the onion. Sprinkle with the salt and pepper.
  • Simmer for 10 minutes, then add the tomato sauce (or the chopped tomatoes), the green paprika and the celery root.
  • Stir and mix the ingredients, then add half a liter of water, enough to cover the pot’s content.
  • Close the lid on the pot and leave the pot to cook on a small fire for two hours, until the meat is almost done.
  • Add the potato cubes (and salt to taste) and leave on the fire to cook for another 20 minutes.

Serve on hot plates with some bread on the side if you want.

Enjoy your meal tonight!


Please developers don’t hurt me!


In a few days’ time, there were new releases of major and highly visible pieces of software: VLC, LibreOffice and KDE. I so happen to package all of these as “unofficial” additions to Slackware. I had a few hectic days (well, nights) preparing binaries, testing, rebuilding and writing changelogs and blog posts. I think it’s time for a bit of rest & relaxation, because I also have a stressful day job, and it was becoming a bit too heavy, all combined.

Praise to all of you, but please developers, get a drink, visit long-forgotten friends and let me get my breath back…

I think my next blog post will be a food recipe.

End of communication.

Get it: LibreOffice 3.3.0

This was an intense ride.

Ever since the community around decided to free this productivity suite from its new guardian Oracle, it was clear that working together is the true driving force behind innovation. The continued development of the same software but with a new name “LibreOffice” took several leaps and bounds by incorporating the enhancements developed independently under the name of “go-oo” and other offshoots. The addition of these enhancements had been withheld for a long time by its previous guardian SUN.

Don’t forget: this software has a long and fruitful history. Being open sourced by Sun was the highly appreciated move that gave “us”, free software lovers, an office suite that could match (or at least aspired to match) with the dominant Microsoft Office. At that time, it felt like an arrow driven right into the heart of Microsoft. Their own Office suite is (was?) their cash cow, it’s what drives their profit. I can do nothing else but applaud Sun for assimilating and then freeing StarOffice. Alas… Sun is gone… but their legacy lives on.

So what is worth mentioning in this first stable release of the LibreOffice productivity suite?

I think the basic support for OOXML document format (Microsoft’s sort-of ISO standard which they pitched against the truely open OpenDocument Format ODF) is what will draw a lot of people to LibreOffice, because it is able to write to this document format – a feature that is not supported by OpenOffice.Org (it supports reading/converting this format only). So, LibreOffice might be better equipped to let you deal with friends, collegues and customers who want to share their Microsoft Office (version 2007, not the newer 2010 OOXML format) documents with you. LibreOffice does not have difficulties with VBA script in your documents either. The older Microsoft Office, Lotus WordPro and Microft Works file formats are supported as well. Even PDF import is built-in.

LibreOffice Draw can import and edit SVG files. That is a feature I still have to test, since I am used to Karbon14.

What can I say? It is a professional productivity suite that I would recommend to anyone.

Now, you want to install this LibreOffice on your Slackware box, right?

Just a wee bit of patience then: I would like to add that the “stable release” 3.3.0 is bit-for-bit identical to the last (fourth) release candidate that was published a few days earlier. The source taballs have remained the same, and still bear the old version number The official binaries have been renamed, is all.

But I have recompiled the Slackware package nevertheless, because I intended to add some extra language packs: cs (Czech), el (Greek), en_GB (UK English), he (Hebrew), hr (Croatian), pa (Punjabi), uk (Ukrainian), ur (Urdu) and zh_TW (Traditional Chinese?). What I did not do, even though I mentioned I wanted to, is to add dictionaries (spell-checkers) for some of the major world languages. It took too long to figure out how to package and install them properly so I reserve that as an exercise for later.

Go get the packages!

There is an rsync access as well:

  • rsync://

Be productive!


KDE 4.6.0 is here

We have explosive!

Targeted with deadly precision, we witness the emergence of a new major KDE release.

Have fun with these KDE Software Compilation 4.6.0 packages for Slackware-current (32-bit as well as 64-bit versions available). Slackware itself will stick with the 4.5.5 version, which is rock stable and well-tested.

Highlight of this version is that it no longer relies on HAL. This is the same approach as taken by the X.Org and XFCE developers. While X.Org relies purely on udev, there are a few additional requirements for KDE (and XFCE) which is why you won’t see these new versions of both Desktop Environments yet. The Slackware Team does not want to be confronted with a potential de-stabilization of the desktop at the end of a release cycle.

If you want to replace Slackware’s own KDE 4.5.5 with the new release, several stock slackware packages need to be updated. There are even some entirely new packages (grantlee, libatasmart, libssh, sg3-utils, udisks, upower) which are required in order to run this new version of KDE4.

You can find all of these packages in the “deps” directory for your architecture.

Accompanying this KDE release are updated packages for k3b, kaudiocreator, kdevplatform and kdevelop because the versions that are contained in Slackware will not work with KDE 4.6.  New companions for KDE 4.6 are kwebkitpart (which allows you to use webkit instead of khtml as the rendering engine in Konqueror), polkit-kde-kcmodules-1 and polkit-kde-agent-1. The two “polkit” packages replace the Slackware  “polkit-kde-1” package which does not work with KDE 4.6.

The kdepim & kdepim-runtime

There has been quite a bit of discussion about the development of the Personal Information Manager (PIM) software like kontact, kmail etc. The PIM developers were not able to release a stable version of their product in time for KDE 4.6, so you now have two choices. I’ll accompany those choices with a word of caution:

  • you can either keep the version 4.4.9 of kdepim and kdepim-runtime (these are already included in slackware-current), which is stable, and compatible with KDE 4.6,
  • OR you can upgrade to the new version 4.6beta4 which I have included together with my KDE 4.6.0 packages… and with “new” I mean “new“! The PIM software has been largely re-written from scratch and does not only integrate fully with the Akonadi storage framework but also looks quite different. Also, this is very much Beta software and may not be stable enough for production use.

See the README file for detailed installation instructions! They are especially important because of the Slackware packages you have to upgrade or remove.

Feedback welcome of course. I have been running all intermediate betas and release candidates and see many improvements over 4.5.x releases, but there are some quirks (application crashes) that I think should be ironed out in a .1 or .2 release before this should be added to Slackware itself.

Get your Slackware packages for KDE 4.6.0 here: or on any of my mirrors ( or These packages are not fit for Slackware 13.1.

And rsync access is available as always:

  • rsync://
  • rsync://
  • rsync://

Cheers, Eric

VLC’s newest release: 1.1.6

VLC team made their newest release of the VideoLAN Player available to the general public.

VLC 1.1.6 which is now available as a source tarball fixes a security hole that was reported in december 2010 which makes it a recommended upgrade.

A lot of other changes and bugfixes went into the new VLC , you can read all about that on the release notes page. I think that now, the waiting is really for the next revision of VLC (1.2.x) to come out of the git repository and be released as stable. That has been in development for a long time now, and offers a completely re-developed mozilla plugin (the plugin package which accompanies VLC 1.1.x is not really a reliable piece of work) and of course a whole lot of feature enhancements compared to the maturing 1.1.x series.

One of the things that the 1.1.6 version should have fixed is the annoying behaviour in KDE 4.6 where, if you select “Media > Open file” it takes 30 seconds to open a file browser. After that first delay, every subsequent file-open dialog will open instantaneously – strange isn’t it? There is an open bug report for this issue: and it shows a lot of discussion but no real fix since the KDE and VLC developers basically point to each other to provide a fix. Looks like fixing this in KDE is going to be difficult and VLC would be able to work around the issue. Unfortunately, the code that went into VLC at the last minute (see;a=commit;h=ac11f9c0e27905087afdfb46180ece227a4d76e7) does not fix it for me.

Enough said. Before I point you to the download location for my Slackware VLC packages, let me humour you with this VideoLAN promotional video made by Adam Vian: (download first, then load it in VLC). Very funny, worth watching.

Slackware 13.1 packages for vlc-1.1.6 can be found here (32-bit and 64-bit, they will work on slackware-current too of course):

Rsync access: ?rsync://

Have fun, Eric

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