My thoughts on Slackware, life and everything

KDE maintenance: 4.4.1 is out

I wrote about it – deeply nested inside the comments section of a previous post – but it needs its own place in a separate post:

KDE SC 4.4.1 (first maintenance release for the 4.4 series ) has been made available and the Slackware packages can be found at

Again, I have made 32-bit as well as 64-bit packages. The “dependencies” have not changed since KDE SC 4.4.0, so there is nothing new or changed in the /deps/ directory. Read the README in the topdirectory for full installation/upgrade instructions, or look for my older post.

Note that you have to be running Slackware-current (not older than 02-march-2010) or lots of things will break!

Also note that this fixes some issues with  the previous KDE 4.4.0 packages – some of those had not been rebuilt on 02-march-2010 which resulted in a broken keyboard layout configurator and kopete’s Windows Live plugin.

So, the upgrade is warmly recommended if you are running my 4.4.0 packages right now!



  1. gegechris99

    Thank you Alien Bob for this release.

    I just hope that I’m not the only beneficiary of your great work on the KDE 4.4 series 🙂

  2. gegechris99

    Thank you Alien Bob for the great work on the KDE 4.4 series.

  3. escaflown

    Thanks Eric. I noticed that it is not possible to change the deskop theme. I can’t remember if that was the case with version 4.4.0 too.

  4. Sub

    Another great release, build scripts also available :-). Thanks Eric!

  5. JK Wood

    Thanks so much, Eric! As a token of appreciation, I’ve mirrored this release at in an attempt to help out your bandwidth some. It should also provide better speeds in most cases.

  6. walecha

    ouw, whatta great news. i have been waiting your build for 4.4.1 released. right now i’m using your 4.4.0 build on my slackware64-current. so far so good. thanks for the hard work.

    @JK Wood: thanks for the mirror. i guess i have been using eric’s bandwidth to much 😀

  7. ArTourter

    Are we going to have 4.4 in slackware for the next release or are we sticking to 4.3 for that one?

  8. zbreaker

    I bit late I guess but indeed a big thanks for the KDE packages Alien Bob! Both the distro and the people behind it are simply the best.

  9. Steven Marks

    Greetings Eric – thanks a million for all of your work in the Slackware community. I was grabbing the KDE 4.4.2 packages around midnight -0600 GMT Sunday o4.25 when the FTP server began acting irregular. I was unable to retrieve the packages with my gui client, think i’ll fallback to cli. thanks again.

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