DRAFT AND NOTES FOR PRESENTATION ================================ The Slackware installer 1 - Introduction 2 - Historic facts about the installer 2a- dialog not in the first release of Slackware, was developed specifically for Slackware's installer. Pat Volkerding is co-developer of this. 2b- the installer has stayed virtually the same all these years. This makes the Slackware installer easily recognizable by a lot of people who use different distros. Is this good or bad? There is no good or bad - while the outside stayed the same, a lot has happened on the inside. 2c- a 'DIY' installer. You need to run the 'cfdisk' 'pcmcia' and 'network' programs before starting the setup. This has two results: (1) you are in total contril over what happens during install, (2) the installation process can be scare new users of Slackware away. 2d- No HTTP/FTP support. Historically, fizban has had a floppy image for download on http://slackware.com/~fizbam with a ftp-installer which was using LUFS (predecessor of FUSE). Especially the lack of install from a web- or ftpserver is a complaint that has been heard a lot. 3 - New development - LVM support (after initial boot, any existing LVM volume will already be configured) - LUKS support (encrypted partitions, using cryptsetup inside the installer) - DHCP network configuration (pass 'nodhcp' as a boot command parameter to disable the automatic dhcp probe) - FTP & HTTP install option (fully dialog-based as opposed to the NFS setup which still drops you at the command prompt on one spot) - SSH client/server included (server can be started automatically and unattended so that you can run remote installations) 4 - Live installation example using QEMU HTTP server setup: mount -t vfat -o shortname=win95 /dev/sdb1 /mnt/hd (for UPPERCASE) cd /var/www/htdocs ; ln -s /mnt/hd/slackware-current NFS server setup: /mnt/hd/slackware-current (ro,insecure,all_squash) ... but this complains about VFAT partition not being re-exportable - Options to explore are installation using LUKS, and/or LVM, with the network interface autoconfigured + LUKS: cryptsetup -s 256 -y /dev/hda cryptsetup luksFormat /dev/hda cryptslack + LVM: pvcreate /dev/mapper/cryptslack vgcreate /dev/mapper/cryptslack cryptvg lvcreate -L 256M -n swap cryptvg lvcreate -L 1500M -n root cryptvg vgscan --mknodes vgchange -ay Remember that with LUKS partitions you will always need a small unencrypted partition to hold kernel and initrd (we use it for the '/boot' partition) + create a swap: mkswap /dev/cryptvg/swap + then... run setup + Do not select too many pkgseries: a ap n - Using the kbd= and nic= parameters to automatically start dropbear server + For this demo we use "kbd=nl nic=ne2k-pci:eth0:dhcp" as part of the "append" parameter. This will autoconfigure keyboard & network and start SSHD 5 - Dissection of the installer image - used to be disk image that got created using a loop-mounted file image - with 2.6 kernels, format switched to that of initramfs. Advantages of the initramfs: + easily created from a directory structure + loaded into kernel space, it is essentially a RAM based filesystem which could use all the memory available. It will not show up in the installer as a mounted filesystem - The 2.6 kernel and the use if initramfs enabled us to add a lot of interesting things to the installer. There was no way a 2. kernel would fit on a floppy, so we dropped floppy install completely.... the 1.4MB size limit has disappreaded. There was no way a 2.6 kernel would fit on a floppy, so we dropped floppy install completely.... the 1.4MB size limit has disappeared 6 - Suggestions for modification of the installer