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USB booting - discussion page

Please feel free to leave comments, suggestions.. you name it.


You can also install from a usb pendrive. This is particularly useful if you have a high speed usb 2 port and a fast pendrive. After booting with the pendrive inserted, check that it is recognized with the dmesg command.

The device file will most likely not be in the /dev directory. To create the device file, first find out what the major and minor numbers are by looking at the partitions present:

cat /proc/partitions

If you have sata, you might get something like this:

   8     0  244198584 sda
   8     1    7166848 sda1
   8    80    3923456 sdf
   8    81    3923440 sdf1

Create the device file with mknod:

mknod /dev/sdf1 b 8 81

Then create a directory to mount on (NOT in the /mnt directory) and mount the pendrive:

mkdir /install
mount /dev/sdf1 /install

Partition your harddrive, and run setup. When asked what source, choose to install from a mounted directory….

(You can place this in the article if you think it relevant)

Jim Doepp

Thank you for your article, but, can you please make a quick attempt to include a tutuorial 'for the rest of us' (ie.- simple enough for the win savvy but linux beginner) that explains method two; booting slackware from one location. The method given above by Jim shed some light on the matter, but I want to be able to do so in a win environment if possible, otherwise I am going to need to interpret how to do it from a linux environment in a win environment…. enough, I'm not going io try to sound smart.

Jeromy Boyd

Hi! What do you mean by “booting slackware from one location”?
Eric (Tue Nov 18 19:46:02 UTC 2008)

Hi Alien!

I wrote a simple script that installs lilo into a USB stick with several partitions. One of them can have the Slackware tree.

Here is a nano-HOWTO: http://stoa.usp.br/oda/weblog/63591.html


2009-10-04 00:01

 USB booting - discussion page ()